The Big Chill

I recently became a member of the Pittsburg Public Library during my short in term of no school.  I thought it might be a good way to stay connected with people outside my “school world,” and I am always attracted to old buildings of character… especially ones that I can enter for free and lounge about as if I’ve paid my part in its maintenance; I guess I have if you consider city taxes/fees.  Lol.

Also, I’ve found it to be an economical way to get entertainment.  I was rifling through their slim movie selection when I found the 1983 film, The Big Chill.  Looking at the cover, I thought that perhaps I could relate.  College friends getting back together for a weekend… reminiscing. 

I could see myself a bit in the character of Meg Jones- single, grown up and the only women in her group of friends who has yet to find a match (have children) and is sensing her biological clock ticking.  I don’t think my particular group of friends had quite the relationships this group did… but I can understand the closeness and the feeling of comfort being around people who really know you can bring.  So, I can relate…minus the drugs and loose sex.    :)

Funny, this movie mostly made me think of my parents… (minus the drugs and loose sex.  Lol.).  This was their generation.  I remember, as a small child, thinking that they were rather cool, them in their Thirty Something generation. :)  A sense of warmth surrounds me when I think of that time.  I wonder if others feel the same way about their early years.

 I kept on going back to a memory of Christmas at Grandma Winfrey’s when the adults were playing Trivial Pursuit for real pieces of pie... bundled up in 1980’s sweaters and a haze of smoke filling the room (from my grandma's cigarettes).  :) I also wonder if this really happened or if it was something my young mind made up.  Sometimes, it can be hard to decipher if a memory is true unless you have someone verify it.  All I know is that I wanted the pie, and I was too young to play.  (I most likely got pie; don’t feel too sorry for me.)

Overall, I did enjoy, The Big Chill and what seeing it stirred in me.  It also scared me a little to think I’m entering “that world.”  I’m no longer a young pup but have lived enough life that I am starting to develop wrinkles and maybe even a little bit of wisdom.  I have actually lived some life.


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