Reflections Post Impeachment
I've been thinking above Mitt Romney since he decided to vote Trump guilty under one article of impeachment this past week... Being the one opposing voice in his party. I voted for Romney back in 2012 as sort of a rebellion against partisanship. I voted a moderate Republican for president and Democrats for all other offices. I recognized that he actually cared about Healthcare and was campaigning to the majority of his party to separate himself from the creation of the Affordable Care Act. I thought in reality, he had a good heart and made choices through his empathy for others. I was also dealing with conflicts in my faith and issues such as abortion, etc... Sometimes, faith and politics don't always congeal on every single issue many people may feel conflicted. (I'm a Pope Francis person... I would like to think of myself as leading first with compassion.) At the time, I had been in graduate school and getting free tuition for being a graduate assistant a...